2015 “Top 10 Reads” List

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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

When New Years comes around, I love looking back and evaluating everything that I have accomplished in the last year. It’s a promise that I make to myself and that I keep! 2015 has truly marked a significant milestone in my blogging career and I can’t wait to see where 2016 leads me. I have lots in store, so do stick around!

In case you only started tuning in as of late, you may be interested in my “Top 10 most read articles” on the blog this year!

  1. Plus Size Models in the Media
  2. Why can’t we accept Lena Dunham’s self-acceptance?
  3. Transformation: My 6 Month Weigh-In
  4. The Secret to a Great Full Body Shot
  5. Transformation: A Weight Loss Journey
  6. Ottawa’s Newest & Not-So Common Concept Shop
  7. Simons Gatineau- Now Open!
  8. Fashion Truck Canada
  9. Ottawa Vintage Clothing Show 2015 Recap
  10. Plus-Size Summer Style Guide in BHBB Magazine

Happy Reading and HAPPY NEW YEAR!



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