You know that go-to outfit you always gravitate towards? Well, on Casual Fridays at work, when I can wear my jeans, I always seem to wear the same old (awesome!) outfit. I feel professional, warm and comfortable. I can also transition this outfit for an after work rendez-vous. Which is precisely what I will be […]
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Ottawa’s Nordstrom Gala: A grand old time
Last night’s Ottawa Nordstrom Gala was a blur. A magical combination of gourmand canapés neatly stacked in rows on little carts, tiny cans of sparkling bubbly, a killer upbeat band, friendly smiles around and a magical feast of fashion. Everyone came dressed in their best. Personally, it was a bit of a sensory overload, but […]
Hello, My name is Chantal Sarkisian (aka Chantsy) and this is my Ottawa Fashion Blog! I’m your typical girly girl who love clothes, makeup, shoes, purses and everything else in between! I’m a hot woman stuck in a larger body and I feel compelled to help other women feel the same way. This is why […]