I really struggled to find a cute pun for the title of this post, but these late nights and this cold I am fighting are eating away at my creativity. Sorry.
So, here I am now 17.5 lbs lighter than I was about 17 weeks ago. People are really noticing it in my face, my stomach, my butt and my legs. I still can’t get those arms to shrink though (PS- my nickname in high school was “Pipes”… how feminine). With my busted shoulder it’s hard to get in a decent upper body workout. I just really want to fix it already so I can play volleyball again.
That being said, at 17 lbs lost and down two sizes, my clothes obviously don’t fit properly anymore. I know “that’s a great problem to have!”… except when you have amazing clothes that you have been curating over the years through consignment shopping, online sales and souvenirs brought back from multiple vacations. There was a point in my life, about 1.5 years ago, where I decided to accept the size I was (XL to 1X) and embrace the fashion behind this new shape I had to work with. I discovered great online stores like ASOS (Curve & Plus Size), who offered gorgeous plus size clothing made in the UK. Small fortune to have shipped, but worth looking fab.
Last week, I made the executive decision to get some key clothing items tailored and hemmed according to my new body’s measurements. I brought in 2 black slacks, a black pencil skirt and my favourite white skirt. I picked them up today, and “wow” is all I can say! It cost me over $100, but was worth the investment to be able to keep my expensive and high quality office staples. Not only have the clothes been taken in, they are now adjusted to my body shape and never fit better. They look and feel amazing! I recommend doing this, whether you have lost weight or just looking to have your garments fit better.
This journey has been a real eye opener for me. It’s amazing how much time, effort, energy and money i spent distracting myself from the real issue. “Just lose some weight, and you can wear pretty much all the clothes that you want!” this is what I wish I could have told myself, rather than finding creative and expensive ways to look fashionable.
I am looking forward to my new Proutfits that I will be putting together with these clothes. I hope I can snap up some pics and share them soon.