Goal setting 2018: the importance of setting goals in life & business and how to stick to them


It was a slow start to get motivated this year, I got a taste of the simple life and it felt hard to come back from it. I hadn’t posted my annual “hindsight- a year in review” in January like I normally do, I’ve neglected the blog and this cold weather has me completely uninspired. My recent trip to Tulum, however, did get my creative juices flowing again! Proof that resting the mind and body is a necessity. Now that I am feeling myself again and because I want to stick to my good habits, I am forcing myself to write this goal-setting post, as I have done for the last 5 years. It is one thing that I have consistently done, and that has contributed to the growth and success of my life and business. I don’t always achieve every goal, but it’s nice to know where I was a year from now, how much I have grown and where I am headed. So if you want to know more about the importance of setting goals in life and business and you want to know how you can stick to them, keep on reading!

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The 5 most important things you need to do before you present a tv segment

Present a tv segment blogger Chantal Sarkisian Ottawa Fashion Blog

For many different reasons, presenting a live TV segment is harder than it seems. Although the spot usually lasts between 4 to 7 minutes, it can take months to plan and loads of hours to coordinate the entire thing. Whether you’re presenting a fashion segment, as I typically do, or promoting a new product, or an upcoming event, the formula is pretty standard. Keeping your nerves calm, remembering your key messages, and nailing your set-up are just a few things to consider. Quite often, people seek my advice and ask me how to put together and present a tv segment. So for everyone’s benefit, I decided to share my tips on the most important things you need to do before you present a TV segment via a blog post!

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