Capital Catwalk: Her Campus uOttawa

Finally, I am proud to call myself a uOttawa alumni! hahaha

Capital Catwalk featuring Chantal Sarkisian Mode XLusive Ottawa Fashion Blog and Ottawa Lifestyle blogger

Please join me and Her Campus uOttawa for an elegant evening of fashion and entertainment in honour of The Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation. Her Campus uOttawa is hosting their 4th annual charity fashion show, Capital Catwalk, at the EY Centre on January 30th. In keeping with their tradition, there will be a silent auction, marketplace, entertainment and of course, fashion!

I am honoured to be MC’ing the event alongside Rayhan Pitigala, uOttawa student and health writer for Her Campus uOttawa.

Some of my favourite local designers will be part of the Fashion Show and I can’t wait to present them!

Buy your tickets now, because this event will sell out quick! There are still opportunities for sponsors and vendors in the marketplace, just send your inquiries to Monica. Rates are super affordable and 100% of the proceeds go towards the ORCF.

I’m a little anxious for my debut, I have to admit. I feel quite old amongst the student crowd! Please come out and support the event, if not to encourage me! Hope to see you there.

!!!GIVEAWAY TIME- I have 2 tickets to the event with your name on it!!!
Leave a comment below with an outfit idea for me.
I will select a random name on Monday January 25 2016.

Her Campus uOttawa is an online chapter magazine at the university of Ottawa. The magazine is written and run entirely by students. In the past, HCuOttawa has raised money for The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, The Canadian Lupus Society, and The Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation. In addition to hosting an annual charity fashion show, the magazine also hosted their first ever student leadership conference last year, and will continue to host the conference each year because of its success. Due to HCuOttawa’s viral and unique articles and large-scale and extravagent events, they have been crowned a Pink Level Chapter by Her Campus National and continue to uphold the title for a second year in a row.



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Movie Review: Iris


 I finally had a moment to myself last night to #netflixandchill. I love documentaries, particularly when they are fashion related. “Iris” was on my to-watch list for a while, including “The real cost” (a look at the somewhat depressing truth of fast fashion and the negative effects it has on our planet and society).

When I watch documentaries or read books about fashion I always feel compelled to write a review. Like a mini book report. 

Here are a few observations that really struck me from the movie “Iris”, more so Iris’ point of view and philosophy on fashion and life in general.

She was a very hard worker and truly gifted artist. She was fortunate enough to have been surrounded by the right people and take advantage of where she was brought up, New York! All the stars were aligned, and she took advantage of life!

Here are a few of my favourite lines:

– You shouldn’t give a damn about the party, what’s important is getting dressed for it!

– It’s the process of getting dressed that’s fun

– Style is a gut feeling, not math

– Someone once told me “You’re not pretty, but you have something much better: style”. 

One thing that really resonated with me, was the strong relationship with her husband. They both have an amazing sarcastic sense of humour and are still very much in love. ? Even at 90 (Iris) and 100 (Albert) their love for each other has not faded. I love how Iris pets his hair, and he calls her child, or something of that sort. Sadly, Albert has recently passed, which I’m sure has greatly affected Iris.

Iris Apfel and late husband Albert #RelationshipGoals

“Iris” was a fun and quick documentary to watch. Lots of great lessons in life jam packed in only 1:17 minutes.

Have you seen it? Any recommendations of other documentaries I should watch? Leave me a comment below!

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A true look at Canadian Winter Fashion in 2016

If you’re anything like me, getting dressed in the mornings these days, is harder than ever.

Forget trends and style for a minute. What on earth do I wear when there is 2 feet of snow and I don’t want to freeze my buns off, yet still want to look like I am not bundled in a duvet. Although, that sounds amazing.

Feeling uninspired? Me too! I know… Let’s head over to Pinterest!

What in the? How on earth is this “winter fashion”? I mean, yes, these are my #winterfashiongoals but so not functional.

Then I get photos like this…


Gorgeous ? I love it. I can totally shovel my driveway in those heels. I’ll skip the sox too… That’s extra laundry and plus, having feelings in your ankles is so 2015.

You catch my drift. I love all these inspirational pictures, but that’s what they are, inspiration. Also, the bare minimum to qualify for a winter fashion image requires a tiny big of snow on the ground.

There isn’t much available online that depicts what true fashionistas are sporting on the snowy slushy streets of  Canada. It’s also important to note that we, as Canadian fashion bloggers, have a duty to report on what true Canadian Fashion trends look like in 2016. I want to see boots, scarves, mittens, hats, parkas… The whole nine yards.

I found these pictures that make a bit more sense…


Have fun this winter. Stay warm and gorgeous!

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Transformation: Why vacationing scares me

Well here we are, it’s January 2016, exactly one year since I started my transformation journey. I just came back from a one week all-inclusive vacation in Cancun, and my worst nightmare has finally set in. I have no joke, gained 12 pounds. It all spiralled downhill since the Christmas celebrations in December. How could I have let this happen?

I promised I would be good. No desserts, no fried or breaded foods, light on the drinks. I got this. Nope. I was on a rampage, and could not help myself. I overindulged, over ate and over celebrated every, single, day. Now I am embarrassed, ashamed and I feel defeated. I need to find that motivation again. And fast!

“Tomorrow – I’m gonna have salad”, that’s been my mantra over the last year when I had a bad food day. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not obsessed with food, it’s just that I’ve worked so hard to get where I am and all it took was a lousy glutinous week down south to ruin me! The worst part is the food wasn’t even that great. I mean, not really calorie worthy, ja feel?

I tried to be somewhat active. Went for walks, played beach volleyball, participated in the group Zumba class, floated in the water… but it was not nearly enough movement.

I just feel so bloated, and swollen. I feel like the combination of flying and sun does that to you. Maybe it’s from the plane ride? I am so scared to get weighed it at Weight Watchers… I feel like I need a good week to cleans the bad habits out of my system. You know, like “I’ll have the water and salad, hold the dressing” kinda meals for 7 days, while I quiver and sweat out the excess lard through my pores #Rehabstyle.

I know I can do this! I just need some motivation from you, my readers. I also have a new pair jeans I bought last month, I should use them as a motivational tool. They were the smallest size I’ve ever owned… I hope I can squeeze back into them soon. I won’t even try until I lose a few pounds. It would just be too cruel to do it now.

Other than that, my trip was excellent. Lots of relaxing, unplugging and creating of memories with my family.

Anyway, thanks for listening. Just needed to vent. ?

Strategically placed behind my husband and sucking in the tummy- the only way to take a photo in my bathing suit! Also, in this pic I’m wearing an Addition Elle bra as a bikini top (it’s on sale now!)! It’s so supportive, fun and comfortable.

PS- Please do not take this post as an opportunity to sell me any weight loss regimes, products or services. I am so tired of being bombarded with sales pitches, because I choose to talk about my weight. I got this. Thanks!

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