ambiSHEous- A Business Workshop for OttawaTeen Girls

AMBISHEOUS Ottawa EventIf only this existed when I was a young girl… I have always been an entrepreneur. My father came to Canada from Armenia and built his business from the ground up, with literally nothing. Growing up, we didn’t have much money, so we learned to be very frugal, creative, resourceful and entrepreneurial. I was dressed head-to-toe in second hand hand-me-downs. We used to make our own Barbie clothes and cardboard Barbie houses. We would have annual garage sales and lemonade stands and I used to sell stickers at recess in elementary school (until they banned it! haha).
I got my first job in grade 9 at a Mom and Pop hardware store, where I worked to the bone and paid for everything myself. I juggled school, Army cadets, a part-time babysitting gig and my social life (duh!). I was a busy kid then, and I am a busy gal now!

If you know any teen girl in the Ottawa area that has entrepreneurial spirit, check out ambiSHEous. It’s full day business workshop built by awesome business women in Ottawa who will be mentoring and coaching participants. I could not attend myself, so I sponsored a ticket… and you should too!

ambiSHEous is for girls who want to pave their own way and make an impact in the world.

Start Smart: Summer Workshop for World-Changing Girls (age 10-14)

This two-day hands-on interactive workshop takes participants step-by-step through the process of planning a socially responsible small business or social-profit enterprise. Building on the fundamentals of financial literacy, we’ll cover the practical aspects of business, offer girls the opportunity to take ownership over their ideas, and empower them to take initiative.

August 18-19, 2015
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
150 Elgin St.
$95 + HST

Lunch & snacks included.
Limited spaces available.
Participants are encouraged to bring laptops if possible.

To register for this awesome event visit!

Get Social with ambiSHEous!

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