Ottawa Life Magazine’s #OttawaStyle series features fellow Ottawa Fashion Bloggers

I got THE email, you know the one. The one you sit around waiting for, the one you think will change your career.

A few months ago, Alexandra Gunn, fashion editor of Ottawa Life Magazine, asked if I would take part in her #OttawaStyle series, where they would be photographing and featuring local fashion bloggers in Ottawa at the Andaz Hotel. DUH- Of course, I said yes, and immediately starting panicking… WHAT WILL I WEAR? After a few deep breaths, I reminded myself that I need to be me, and wear something that my readers would recognize me in! My signature style.

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Try this Vichy moisture cocoon routine for your dry skin this winter

This time of the year calls for the “Dryfecta”. It’s a brutal combination of the cold weather, the dry air from indoor heating and if you’re fortunate enough, post-vacation suntanned skin. That’s what I have right now. I just came back from my trip to Hawaii and I am in dire need of Vichy’s moisture cocoon routine to nurture and hydrate my dry skin back to good vibrant health. With a combination of drinking loads of water (using a fun bottle of course!), blasting a humidifier in every room, and hitting “loop” on my Vichy routine… I think I got this!

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