Well friends, it has come and gone, another successful year of the Ottawa Vintage Clothing Show. This year was bigger than ever; more vendors, more space, more stuff!! If this year had a theme, it would be COLOUR and I tried my best to photograph and capture the essence of it all.
Funny story- I walked by a booth that categorized their clothing by era. What made me feel old for the fist time in my life (because, honestly I still feel like I am 25), was the 80’s & 90’s section! I mean, I was born in the 80’s and grew up in the 90’s… was it really that long ago? Enough to call it VINTAGE?!! Hahaha it totally made me laugh.
Yesterday, I finally made it to A Vintage Collective a new mini vintage market downtown, they also had a booth at the show. It completely reminded me of Queen Street West circa 1999, you remember… that shop with the Gorilla at the front door! What really came to me as a surprise was the “Fresh Prince of Bel-air” vibes of clothes in the men’s department… and actually women’s too (aunt Viv rocked those shoulder pads like no other and so can you!).
Vintage clothes is hot, no matter when. What I find interesting is that even with vintage, there are trends. Last year, it was all about fur and vintage Chanel. This year the direction we are headed in, is full on colour with a dash of old school hip hop (#HammerTime).